Hello There Everybody!
We're into the final stretch of 2024, this last cycle will focus more on raw strength development, with Olympic lifting taking a backseat. The four main focuses are 1. Deadlift, 2. OHS, 3. Weighted Chin-up, 4. BMU Skill Practice. We will continue with our partner style interval metcons on most days, while slowly transitioning to more CrossFit style metcons to get you ready for Open Prep next year. We will also perform a slightly less demanding version of the squat cycle we just completed to keep your legs strong for the lifts to come.
Week Overview
Mon / Tue - OHS / Deadlift + Partner Intervals
Wed / Thu - Weighted Chin-up + BMU / Squats + Metcon
Fri - Clean or Snatch Complexes + Metcon
Sat - Long CrossFit Style Metcon
Sun - Functional Bodybuilding