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Hello Everybody!

For the next 12 weeks, we are going to enter into a hybrid CrossFit cycle leading up to various "Off-season" Competitions in Oct / Nov. The focus of this cycle will be to increase your strength capacity in the Olympic Lifts, increase Aerobic Capacity with longer duration workouts, and improve overall conditioning through interval style Metcons.

For cycles such as these, expect to see smaller gains across the board in all areas of your fitness, as opposed to a bigger gain but only in one or two areas. There will also be more supplemental "Homework" pieces on the Whiteboard for those looking to prepare more specifically for each competition. The list of upcoming events / competitions is below:

Sep 30th: Operation Broken Wing

Oct 7th: HYROX SG

Oct 21st: Urban Throwdown (Team Comp)

Nov 4th: Singapore National Weightlifting Championship

Week Overview

Mon/Tue: Squat / Oly + Interval Metcon / Partner WOD

Wed: Gymnastics Skill + Long Aerobic Metcon

Thu/Fri: Oly / Strength Lifts + Interval Metcon / Partner WOD

Sat: IWT / Partner WOD

Sun: Bodybuilding / Oly Accessories


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